Now it’s time for something new that you will probably like and surely want to try on your own and do something unique. Yes it’s time to create WhatsApp stickers with your photos and expressions. Yes now it’s possible!
Facebook brought out the new update for its app known as WhatsApp which currently the top ranked communication app on Google. They’ve added the feature of stickers which has its similarities to the GIFs and emojis. This feature is for both the highly used platforms Android as well as iOS.
WhatsApp already has some inbuilt stickers but we can also download some third party stickers from the play store. In fact we can also create some. We can create the stickers from our own photos and expressions. What we need is just a PNG photograph with the background erased and we’re ready to use our personalised stickers.
We will have to do two things for using our personalised stickers, first of all we need a photograph whose background is erased and is in PNG format and then we would have to add the image to the WhatsApp stickers.
Make sure that you have the WhatsApp version 2.18 or above Installed on your smart phone.
Follow the following steps to use your personalised WhatsApp Stickers,
Click a photo with the expressions you want which you would like to use as a sticker.
Convert this photo into PNG format by changing the extension of the file.
Now would have to erase the background of your image. For this go to play store and download any background eraser tool.
Erase the background by using the magic tool of the app or you can also do that manually.
Now crop the image such that it looks like a sticker. Now you have your own personalised WhatsApp sticker.
Make sure that you create at least three such personalised stickers because WhatsApp does not allows any sticker pack less than three such stickers.
Now go to Google Play Store and download ‘Personal Stickers for WhatsApp’ app and open it.
This app will help you add your created sticker to WhatsApp. When you will open this app it will automatically detect such created stickers in your phone. Now just click the ‘Add’ button and click ‘Add’ again if any dialogue box appears.
Once done open the chat window on WhatsApp and click on the smiley icon. Click on the stickers’ option and select the sticker you want to send and then just hit the send button. Hurrah! You’ve sent your first personalised sticker.
Also remember that the ‘personalised stickers‘ created will stay in your ‘sticker bank‘. You need not repeat some steps when you create your new ‘personalised stickers‘ next time.
This is how you can create sticker with your won face and share it. How cool it is! Right? So if you like this method then share it all over and let everyone make their own personalised stickers.
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